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Best Nomadic Habits in My Opinion – Jessica Garza

Habits maketh man. As a digital nomad, I know how much valuable habits are. I know how important habits are in order to sustain a digital nomad lifestyle. And I personally am a believer in developing habits. It helps a lot.

If someone asks me “What are the best nomadic work habits you’ve built in your life?” – I’d answer – shake up the scenery, take advantage of the surroundings, get away from the screen (sometimes), and take control of things you can.

Shaking up the scenery has been my mantra. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when you're constantly on the move, but changing your environment can inject a fresh perspective into your work and rejuvenate your creativity.

Whether it's finding a new coworking space, setting up shop in a bustling café, or simply moving to a different corner of your Airbnb, the change of scenery can work wonders. It has for me – believe it or not.

Taking advantage of the surroundings is another habit I've cultivated. One of the perks of being a digital nomad is the opportunity to immerse yourself in different cultures and environments.

So, I make it a point to explore my surroundings whenever I can. Whether it's sampling local cuisine, exploring nearby landmarks, or just taking a leisurely stroll through the streets, these experiences not only enrich my life but also inspire my work.

Getting away from the screen is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It's easy to fall into the trap of spending all your time glued to your laptop or smartphone, but I've learned the importance of unplugging and disconnecting from technology every now and then.

Whether it's taking a digital detox day, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in offline activities like hiking or yoga, giving yourself time away from screens is crucial for recharging your batteries and staying mentally and physically healthy.

Lastly, taking control of things you can is a mindset that has served me well. As a digital nomad, there are countless variables that are beyond your control – flight delays, Wi-Fi outages, language barriers, you name it.

But instead of letting these factors derail me, I focus on what I can control – my attitude, my work ethic, and my priorities. I stay adaptable, proactive, and resilient. That’s what helps me to navigate the challenges of the nomadic lifestyle with confidence and grace.

In the end, building and maintaining these habits has been instrumental in not just surviving but thriving as a digital nomad. They've helped me stay focused, productive, and fulfilled, no matter where in the world I may find myself.


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